TPE2022: DAHOT – Danli Honduras Tobacco Video

One of the first booths on  my list that I wanted to visit was the DAHOT booth. As you know, I’ve been a big fan of their cigars for several years. Their Don Juan Calavera and Marchetti cigars have been some of my favorites over the past three years. I was honored when Susana Piñeda, the owner of the company, recognized me when I approached the booth.  Today I sat down with her for a few minutes to chat. the video is unedited, as the WiFi her is abysmal.



Stay tuned for more TPE coverage in a timely manner, or over the coming weeks as resources allow. If nothing else, the Media Lounge has chairs, where there are none on the show floor, and my back gave out yesterday!


Until the next time,





Filed under TPE, Video

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