Tag Archives: Rusted Revolver

Providencia Cigars Rusted Revolver

Once again, I’ve been grabbing cigars to smoke, and smoking some favorites. I came across a really interesting 1502 test blend that I really should have smoked a few years ago and given Enrique some feedback, but it got buried in the humidor. It was really good, and I found out it was a prototype for the Blue Saphire. I usually don’t do that, one slipped through the cracks. That’s not to say I often get the opportunity to give feedback like that, now that I think about it, I have a couple cigars from Providencia that I still haven’t smoked, and it’s probably passed the time that any feedback would be useful. Even during this time when time seems to be standing still, there’s a lot on my mind, and things get forgotten. So when I recently received a few new cigars from Ray at Providencia, I figured I had better get to smoking them and post my thoughts, like I did on Sunday with the Providencia Shenanigans.


Today I smoked the Providencia Rusted Revolver, another Barber Pole style cigar. This one is wrapped on San Andrés and Connecticut (Ecuador?), an Indonesian binder, Nicaraguan Ligero and Honduran fillers. The Connecticut leaf was a dark shade, leading me to initially guess it was a Habano.  It was on the rustic side, but that kinda fits with the theme of the brand. One thing I’ve found to be universal among the Providencia cigars I’ve enjoyed is the excellent construction, the cigars always seem to smoke right, this one was no different. Barber Pole cigars can burn funny sometimes, this one burned perfectly. The flavors of the two wrappers played nicely with one another, some creaminess and sweetness along with spice and earthiness. The cigar was on the stronger side of medium, and was quite a satisfying cigar, and had a nice, cool burn all the way to the end. It’s normal for me to smoke cigars to about ¾”, I have trouble letting them go, unless I get really bored or they start falling apart. This one was great. Another winner from the house of Providencia. 


It’s been busy here this week. My wife got bees and I helped her set up her hive, and I picked up two chicks that my granddaughters are raising until they are old enough to come to our house and move into our chicken coop and eventually join our flock. With any luck by the end of summer we’ll have eight laying hens and I’ll need to increase my cholesterol medication! Maybe we’ll have Honey too! Now, if only life would return to normal and a job would present itself!  Until the next time!





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