La Sirena Contest Winner Announcement

Today was the first full day of Spring, so of course it’s snowing like crazy! I got kicked out of work early (a good thing), and have shoveled the driveway twice already (my wife shoveled it once too) and I had a chance to smoke the new Macanudo Inspirado Red in a box pressed robusto which was incredible. More on that Sunday as we are La Sirena and Clingerhere tonight to select a winner of the La Sirena cigars and a Stage V Clinger.  By the way, in case anyone was curious, it’s a Stage “Five” Clinger, not a Stage “Vee” Clinger, which is odd since it’s kinda V shaped…but that’s what they’ve told me in the past. Also interesting, three years ago I had a similar La Sirena contest, I wonder if Lonnie remembers winning this, as he’s entered this time too (I suspect he remembers…).  So, without further ado, selected Todd Arbogast as the big winner! Todd, please send me your address so I can get these goodies to you.  I hinted that I might pick a runner-up, and the name Jack Campbell came up. So Jack, I’ll pick out a couple La Sirenas and a Stage V Clinger and get them to you.


That’s all for today, Until the next time,









Filed under Contest

7 Responses to La Sirena Contest Winner Announcement

  1. Frank Germaine


  2. paul1954

    congrats to Todd and Jack! and thanks, Craig.

  3. Congrats guys. Thanks again Craig

  4. Congrats gentlemen.

  5. Freakboy791

    Thanks again, Craig!

  6. TriMarkC

    Nice win guys, and another great contest Craig!

  7. Hey, I know him! 🙂 Thanks, CigarCraig! What a great win. Email has been sent.