Tag Archives: Lighter

CigarCraig’s 12 Spectacular Days of Cigar Giveaways Day 2 : Villiger Stokkebye

Thanks to everyone for making yesterday the busiest day on CigarCraig.com ever!  The winner of the CAO La Triaviata Divinos is “mlb”, as selected by the Random Number Generator at Random.org.  Congrats!  Please send your address.  I forgot to mention that every winner will also receive a Cigar Journal “Finest 25 Cigars of the Year supplement courtesy of Cigar Journal Magazine!  Let’s keep the ball rolling with today’s prize:


Today on CigarCraig’s 12 Spectacular Days of Cigar Giveaways we have a sampler of cigars and a lighter from Villiger Stokkebye International.  It contains 1-1888, 1-1888 Fuerte and 2 La Libertads, as well as a cool La Libertad lighter!














Many thanks to Anne at Villiger Stokkebye International for providing this super cool prize!

You know what to do!  Leave a comment to enter and good luck!

Until tomorrow,





Filed under Contest

A Couple Of El Primer Mundo Cigars

Since I’m headed out to the Delaware CIgar Festival, I figured I’d get my usual Sunday post out a little early so I can devote plenty of time to covering the festival.  Over the last two evenings I smoked the pair of samples that Sean Williams of El Primer Mundo Cigars gave me at the IPCPR show, an  El Primer Mundo Liga Miami, and an El Primer Mundo Rosado Oscuro.


The Liga Miami accompanied me on my evening walk on Thursday.  It a beautiful cigar.  The Ecuador Sun Grown wrapper was without flaw, although roughly 50% of it was covered by the bands (It was a robusto).  The burn and draw were very nice for the first  three quarters of the cigar, not surprising given the entubado method of construction.  To me, the flavor was pretty good.  We all know I have a fairly limited range when it comes to tasting cigars, however I do know enough to recognize a good cigar when I smoke one, and this was a good cigar.


I admit that I had been looking forward to trying the Rosado Oscuro for some time.   I had heard about it quite a bit, and the description intrigued me. The cigar I had was a beautiful box pressed robusto, with a dark and veiny wrapper, just like I like!  This was another well made cigar that burned darned near perfect until about a half inch when I finally had to put it down.  Think I liked it?  It was pretty darn enjoyable. While it didn’t have the flavors I was expecting from it, it was a well balanced cigar.  I love a square pressed cigar if for no other reason than you can set them down and they don’t roll away on you.


These were both really nice cigars, and Sean Williams is a really nice guy.  He took a few minutes at the IPCPR show to chat with me (Willy Herrera was hanging out in his booth at the time, also a nice guy!) and I recorded this video.  As with all of my videos, make sure to turn your volume down after watching so as not to blow your speakers when the “You’ve Got Mail” sound plays!.  Here’s the video:


Once again, I’ve been using the Ergonomic 4.5″ Cigar & Pipe Butane Torch Lighter from Butane Lighters Wholesale to light all of my cigars.  I finally had the need to refill this lighter after a week or two of use, and it gave me a scare.  I purged it, as usual, and refilled it, and the sucker wouldn’t light at all.  After some fiddling, I finally was able to get the adjusting screw to turn past the highest point it would go to prior, and now it has what I consider a reasonably powerful torch flame. I was, honestly, ready to send this back to Aaron, and I still think that a lighter should perform the way it’s supposed to out of the box.  I have had to fiddle with lighters before, especially after the second fill, however I’ve never (save for several Blazers) really had an expensive lighter.  I still like a nice, cheap lighter to throw around and use daily!


That’s it for now, have to get ready for the Delaware Cigar Festival. Until the next time,





Filed under Accessories, Events, IPCPR, Review, Video