Tag Archives: Acid

Cigarnival 2014 at Famous Smoke Shop

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting Famous Smoke Shop‘s Cigarnival. It’s a 2 day, multi-vender event held at their Easton, PA location.  I spent several hours there hanging out with the cigar folks and enjoying a few cigars.  I attended this event last year, and they’ve made quite a few improvements in my opinion. They constructed one massive tent this year, as opposed to the multiple tents they had last year.  The food was also stepped up. At dinner time they  brought in some pigs. I swear I saw a woman walking around with a roasted pig head.  Not my thing, but the food I had was good (hotdogs and hamburgers).  There were a bunch of cool things going on at the Cigarnival, besides 800 attendees smoking their brains out, and all the great vendors whom I’m glad I got to spend some time with. Flor de Gonzales hosted a cigar rolling competition throughout the day. Attendees had the chance to put wrappers on pre-made bunches. I thought this was a great way to give consumers a glimpse into the skill it takes to make these great cigars.  There were raffles throughout the day, lots of cigars and humidors and goodies, and someone may have won $100,000 from La Gloria Cubana.  There was also a Drew Estate sponsored Casino in the evening. Last year I remember watching Rocky Patel cheat like crazy, but I didn’t hang around long enough to see if he did that again.  As I had a hour and a half drive home, I cut my visit short. Famous really puts on a great event. The vendors they had were great, the food, the cigars, the people, all top notch.


This is going to be a short post, with a bunch of pictures and a video, as I’ve had a busy day going on a motorcycle ride with over one hundred bikes benefiting our local SPCA.  I also had a nice Drew Estate Natural Shorty in the pool this afternoon to commemorate the occasion (the SPCA run, not spending the afternoon in the pool, the water wasn’t cold!) We ended up going back to the SPCA and adopting a new member of the family, Macha, a 3ish year old American Staffordshire Terrier (who are we kidding….she’s a Pitty). We already took a short walk with an Acid Shorty, in honor of Shorty Rossi’s Pitbull rescue efforts.  I actually like this Acid, it’s not overly infused, and once you get past the sweet cap, like the Natural, it’s a nice smoke. She did great on the leash, fortunately nobody told her she had her back left leg amputated three weeks ago. Apparently she was brought in having been found on the side of the road with a badly broken femur. She looks small in this picture, but she’s about 6o pounds. I’m looking forward to many walks with her in the future. I didn’t think we’d adopt another dog so soon, but this one was too special to pass up.


Busy weekend!  That’s it for now, until the next time,





Filed under Events, Review, Video

CigarCraig’s 12 Spectacular Days of Cigar Giveaways Day 11: CAO Cigars

Wow.  Yesterday was a record breaking day at CigarCraig.com.  Not only did we hit that magical 100 comments as DocNJ foresaw  but we’ve never had so many page views since the launch of the site in 2009!  Thank you to everyone who visited and entered! Stay tuned, because this wasn’t necessarily the pinnacle! On another note, I usually am depressed about the beginning of winter, but this year I celebrated the shortest day of the year. That means the days will be getting longer from here on out which I like! Oh, you wanted to know who the winner was?  I’m droning on about stupid stuff while there’s a gift to be given!  We have a lucky winner of a whole bunch of goodies from our friends at Drew Estate!  abraxas828282, please send your address.  Do you have a loading dock, or will I need a truck with a lift gate?  Only kidding about that, but it will be a good sized package! Congrats!


Day 11 and I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel (and the bottom of the contest humidor!) How exciting it’s been, and it just keeps getting better!  Today we are featuring the newest offering from CAO, a box of the Concert Stage, the 5½ x 60 size in the line. Also, since I saw Ricky Rodriquez a few weeks ago, he hooked me up with a couple hats and t-shirts to go along with the cigars!  I really enjoy the cigars myself (not these, the box is still sealed!), they have a nice Ecuador Habano Rosado wrapper over a broadleaf binder that combines for a nice flavor.  This gift is a box of 24 cigars, two t-shirts (a L and an XL) and two hats.


Thanks to Victoria at General Cigar Co. and Ricky at CAO and all the fine folks involved!  There you have it!  Leave a comment, tell your friends and check back tomorrow to see who won!

Until tomorrow,




Filed under Contest

CigarCraig’s 12 Spectacular Days of Cigar Giveaways Day 10: Drew Estate

Someone was spreading the word yesterday, because we had quite a few new readers enter.  I love that, and I hope some of you stick around!  Yesterday’s lucky winner of a box of 20 Minutes in Detroit Congress courtesy of NewestCigars.com  is Mike, who says he’s 20 minutes from Detroit!   Please send me your info ASAP so these can make it to your humidor!


It’s Day 10 already and what a special day today is!  Today we have an amazing collection of goodies from the fine folks at Drew Estate. They have really outdone themselves with a nice selection of stuff!  We have a Stinky Ashtray, but not just any old Stinky, a floor stand model! Also, there are three different cool Acid T-shirts (XL), a My Uzi Weighs a Ton Cap, an Undercrown cap and a Drew Estate Cutter (I love these cutters!).  As if that wasn’t enough of a prize for today, there’s a box of Acid Kuba Kuba to ice the cake!  Honestly, this could have been split up over more than one day, but it’s the 12 Spectacular Days of Cigar Giveaways!


Many thanks to John Brooke and everyone at Drew Estate for providing this copious bounty of goodies! Shipping on this one may break me! You know the drill!  Leave a comment to enter and check back tomorrow to see if you won (and enter tomorrow’s contest if you didn’t)!

 Until tomorrow,




Filed under Contest

The J. Fuego Originals and Citizens for Tobacco Rights

I realize that I’ve gotten everyone used to morning posts, but it’s back to work and back to writing when I can.  I have to admit, I’m experiencing some writer’s block at the moment, so bear with me please.  It’s gotten bitterly cold here in south-east, Pennsylvania, which is not awfully conducive to the proper enjoyment of a cigar.  My normal routine is to take a walk, which usually keeps me moving enough to enjoy a small cigar, as it turns out, the rigors of returning to work after a week plus off has left me without the energy to bother.  That’s my excuse, I’m sticking to it.


Monday I received a call from my brother-in-law, Jeff, who has recently taken to fine cigars.  He’s been picking one up at his local shop in New Jersey, and called me from my local shop while visiting for the holidays.  He wanted some inexpensive “everyday” cigars, and wanted my advice.  Oddly, on my last visit to the shop the previous Friday, I failed to really take a good look through the humidor.  I was able to direct him to the National Brand bundles, which happened to be in the same place I remembered thme being. Since he really enjoyed the Acid Kuba Kuba I gave him, and had been enjoying working his way through the Alec Bradley range, I figured they’d be a good bet.  I’ve certainly enjoyed my fair share of National Brand maduros, and I hope he likes them too.  Naturally, since he was in the area, I invited him over for a smoke.  I had picked up a pack of the Jesus Fuego Sangre de Toro Originals while I was at the shop Friday.  I had been offered a sample at the IPCPR show by Jesus, but I never managed to get one for one reason or another.  I had enjoyed the heck out of the robusto in this blend, so I figured for $12.95 for five cigars I had to try them.  I’ll eventually try the other two blends in this size as it seems to be a very good “winter” size.  I really enjoyed the cigar.  Great flavor, the mold-less old style shape is fun and burned well, and I can’t wait to smoke another one.  That may be my equivalent to a “10” or whatever rating scale one uses.  Very good smokes.  I gave Jeff a Maria Mancini Magic Mountain to try which he enjoyed.  That’s a hard cigar to beat and they can be purchased for around $2.50 a piece if you find yourself in a JR store.


In the “Editorial” department, I wanted to encourage everyone to sign up at Citizens for Tobacco Rights, which is sponsored by Philip Morris USA. Now, I understand that this site is not cigar specific, and is provided by a cigarette company, but the challenges we face as cigar smokers certainly run parallel to those of our other tobacco product using brethren.  So far I’ve received no unwanted e-mail from them, and found no reason not to add my name to their numbers. Registration is free and they provide many of the same tools as Cigar Rights of America and IPCPR for contacting your elected officials. It can’t hurt to take every opportunity we have to have our voices heard as our rights are being eroded. Please write to your senator and congressman about the FDA issue too, there’s a link in my sidebar to enter your zip code and take you to a pre-writen letter you can send.  It really will be a problem if the FDA is allowed to regulate cigars.  Our hobby and passion will be ruined at best, and criminalized at worst.


I guess I did OK considering I had no clue what I was going to write about. Please let me know what you think in the comments, and feel free to share your smoking experiences as well!


Until the next time,







Filed under Editorial, Review, Stores

Take A Cigar For A Walk with Tommy Berry, Jr.: Acid Kuba Kuba, Montecristo, Diesel

Here’s a couple of “Take A Cigar For A Walk” installments from Tommy:

Well hello fellow cigar smokers! This past weekend, I took the opportunity to enjoy a recently purchased Acid Kuba Kuba. I was sitting on my front porch, enjoying the warm weather and this great smoke, when it dawned on me…what am I doing…sitting! So, I got up…at the point where you see my cigar in the photo and began to walk. I loved every minute of it. It was mid-afternoon…hot and loads of humidity. But, that is one sure way to lose some weight! So, I ended up walking for about 60 minutes while enjoying the Kuba Kuba. Now, I don’t care for many flavored cigars, but I really like the infused collection of Acid. The Kuba Kuba starts off very sweet. The flavors are then switched around between several noticeable spices and sweet tones. You’d really have to try one as I can never explain the actual “infused flavors” as Acid takes these to a whole new level. This cigar burned evenly throughout and I only had to relight one time. I think that was due to me not puffing on it often enough as I walked briskly. Overall, the Kuba Kuba was a new one to me but I enjoyed every minute of it…I would highly recommend you try this one.

Boot camp is going well, I have lost a total of 21lbs to date but I am feeling a lot of difference in my energy, my strength, and a lot of this has to do with my modified diet as well. I have a goal to get from where I started at 326 to 185. That is a big goal, so I am taking it one day at a time. I have had some slip ups on my eating, but my trainer and fellow recruits have really helped push me to stay on course. The TACFAW really helps give me the extra cardio that I need to sustain weight loss and keep moving forward. Signing up for this has definitely been one of the best things I could have done…in a long time!

It looks like we may get to close on our new home sometime next week…my fingers are staying crossed and hopefully I will have more to give on this come the next entry.

Most importantly, make sure that you are staying at it if you too are taking a cigar for a walk. Craig is doing awesome, and now I want to hear your stories too! Be sure to comment often on your success and even failures as myself and others may can help you stay on track to a better, fitter you…all the while enjoying your passion of a great cigar!

Long ashes to ya!

Tommy Berry, Jr.”


I enjoyed a Montecristo Peruvian Buena Fortuna Maduro on a walk last night, thanks to waterboy…a friend of mine over at General Cigar’s website. I took my little dog with me so he too could enjoy the breeze (and we both needed the exercise!). This particular cigar came out of an 8 pack of two different cigars that “JR Cigars” offers in a small hard case “shopping bag”. This was my first time to smoke such a cigar and I have to say that I loved every minute of it. It was a great smoke, full of flavor, stayed lit the entire walk and burned perfectly. I tend to lean towards these sizes (5×47) and I was able to smoke it for about 45 minutes, a little short on the smoke time but still well worth it. The hints of coffee and “woods” that came from this also peppery smoke was a pleasant surprise indeed.

The walk was great and it ended my Father’s Day on a great note. I bought me some new shoes last week for boot camp, some Sketchers Shape Ups…which drove me to another walk last night, where I normally, on a Sunday would have just stayed home. I have to say that I love these shoes!

Anyway, I hope you are able to get out the door and on the sidewalk to enjoy a great cigar with a little exercise. Let us know…

Coming soon, I plan on doing a contest for other fellow TACFAW “players”…more details later!

Long ashes to ya!

Tommy Berry, Jr.


The last Kuba Kuba I smoked was a maduro in Nicaragua and it was the last cigar of the day (about the 8th).  It was not a bad cigar!  Once the saccharine sweetness on the wrapper disappeared, that is.  The Kuba Kuba is probably one of Drew Estate‘s best selling cigars, and I recall Marvin Samel telling a story of hearing that Johnny Depp was seen buying some Kuba Kuba’s and passing them out on a movie set and Marvin sent him a box.  There was a similar story about Steven Tyler.  Also, there was a news article about the Cuban government suing Drew Estate over the use of Kuba in the name.  How many of us ever thought the Acid Kuba Kuba might be a Havana cigar?  Pretty laughable….

I took a Diesel Unholy Cocktail for about a 2 mile walk last night that Tommy very kindly sent me a few weeks ago.  It was a fine cigar, I really like the flavor of the Pennsylvania broadleaf wrapper.  This one could have produced more smoke, but it was enjoyable none the less, and I deeply appreciate the gift!  Thanks to Tommy for the cigar and for your contributions!  As nice as it is to lounge around with a nice cigar, it doesn’t hurt to do some walking along with it.  I keep thinking about my visit to the Vulcan Masaya volcano in Nicaragua and how I probably would have struggled with the 177 steps to the observation area had I not been a fairly avid walker.

Don’t forget we have a contest going where someone can win a box of Oja Meztizo Artefactos courtesy of Luis of Oja Cigars!  Submit a patriotic picture link in the comments of the last post (http://www.cigarcraig.com/?p=1892) for a chance to win!  Also, pay a visit to Stogieboys.com and check out their selection.

Until the next time,




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Filed under Contest, Guest Review, Take a Cigar For a Walk